
What former students and workshop participants say:

Mirga Gražinytė-Tyla, Lithuania, Chief conductor Birmingham Symphony Orchestra:
To hit the point, for which one has searched long and hard and indeed wanted to find – this is a real Gift. This point can scarcely elude the eagle eye of Johannes.

Patrick Lange, former GMD Theater Wiesbaden :
Johannes is not only a great muscician and human being, he has the rare gift as a condcuting teacher to observe and analyze well and to put up the right questions in the the right moment. From his teaching I did not only learn: he made me to be the conductor I am today.

Nuno Coelho, 1. Price Cadaqués International conducting Competition 2017:
Johannes is an example of a great pedagogue who is patient enough to guide and give the students the tools needed to arrive at the solutions on their own. He does that while encouraging each student to find their own individual voice and at the same time developing strong technique and rehearsal skills. His analytical approach to scores and conducting has had a great impact on me and I’m very grateful for the years studying with him.

Kerem Hasan, 1. Preis Nestlé-Salzburg-award und Chief Conductor Sinfonieorchester Innsbruck:
Johannes’ ability to identify and support the individual needs of his students is simply extraordinary. I have never come across a teacher who so effortlessly and precisely communicates to each student exactly what he requires in order to improve himself as a musician. My time studying with Johannes has laid a foundation for learning that I have and will continue to refer to.

Leo McFall, England, German Conducting Prize 2015, Chief Conductor Symphony Orchestra Vorarlberg:
Johannes Schlaefli is a remarkable teacher. He is able to see the students' strengths and weaknesses very clearly and help them to reach their full potential. I have always been impressed by the fact that each of his students conducts in a different way, which is perhaps the greatest compliment you can pay a teacher. His knowledge of music, conducting and rehearsal techniques is exceptional, and in his courses I have learned a lot about all three areas. He has found a way of working on conducting through music and on music through conducting. That is incredibly stimulating and also exciting. I don't know of a better teacher.

Philippe Bach, Switzerland, General Music Director of Meiningen Theatre, Winner of the López-Cobos Conducting Competition:
A career as an opera conductor often starts off, conducting performances without rehearsal. In doing so, one must be able to rely 100% on one’s craft, as there are plenty of other things to worry about! I am infinitely grateful to Johannes Schlaefli for the fantastic education I received from him in Zurich .